FTDI_to_ESP8266_module01 (by AD3D)

10/2019. program_module parts

Electronic parts

x Name Info
1 ESP8266-01 the device
1 FTDI FT232RL USB to serial module
1 3 way jumper select power from FTDI or supply
1 10x24h 30x70mm pcb to mount it al on
1 ams1117 3v for the extern power supply
2 pushbutton program and reset button
1 DC in_adapter for the extern power
2 resistors 3k3 to set things right!
1 pcb headers 1x4 to connect to the GPIO ports
1 pcb headers 2x4 for the ESP
1 pcb headers x6 for the FTDI FT232RL

Construction parts

x Name Info
electric wire ...
nuts and bolts construction material
USB UART driver driver for the FTDI FT232RL
ESP8266-01 (by AD3D) FTDI FT232RL (by AD3D) ams1117 3v (by AD3D) DC input adapter (by AD3D) resistors 3k3 (by AD3D) 10x24h ds 30x70mm pcb (by AD3D) 3 way jumper (by AD3D) mini push button (by AD3D) pcb headers 1x4 (by AD3D) pcb headers 2x4 (by AD3D) pcb headers 1x6 (by AD3D)


10/2019. program_module design


ESPProTool01 3D view 03 (by AD3D)

Bottom view...

ESPProTool01 bottom view (by AD3D)

Top view...

ESPProTool01 top view (by AD3D)


ESPProTool01 3D view 01 (by AD3D)


ESPProTool01 3D view 02 (by AD3D)


10/2019. program_module diagram

The ESP01 module diagram.

FTDI to ESP8266 module (by AD3D)


10/2019. program_module manual

manual for ESPProTool01 (by AD3D)

Program it through the Arduino IDE.

After you click the "upload" button in Arduino, it will start compiling your program.
At this time: press and HOLD the"PRGM" button, tap the "RSET" button then RELEASE the "PRGM" button when the Arduino IDE finishes the compile.


10/2019. program_module result

The result.

ESPProTool01 result01 (by AD3D)
The program_module working.


ESPProTool01 action01 (by AD3D)
The program_module in action.
